Sunday, May 25, 2008


So I suppose I should write something on here in order to establish some content on the site. SO here we go. Tomorrow I start running again, for the first time in a month, which amounts to the longest time I have had off from in two years. This layoff being injury related scares me and the fact that I haven't felt pain just makes me think it is more a matter of time than an actual cure. Furthermore, this will mark the first time in my life where the motivation for my continuance of this lies solely on my shoulders. No more teammates, no more attached races, its all up to me now.

I'm unprepared. I actually have to serve as coach, athlete and trainer now and while I can do all the above in varying capacities (read, all poorly). This scares me, especially since I know the line between staying involved and dropping out of involvement is so fine and easy to fall off. I realized that I can never stop for any prolonged time or else I don't know if I ever will return and that scares me more than the prospect of getting hurt. During the past two years, I have developed a love of running and I just haven't found a way to break from it. Running has been the one grounding force in my life and I'm about to return to it and yet that worries me.

Anyway, Planned mileage:

S: off
M: Five
T: Five
W: Five
R: Five
F: Five
S: off

25 miles.......

I want to be completely back

Monday, May 19, 2008

Starting This.

Because the world needs another blog. Anyway, the reason for this, at this moment, is for me to be able to stay in contact with many of my friends who have scattered over the past few years and sorta maintain contact. I will write about my life (thrilling), competitive track and field (even more thrilling) and pretty much anything that annoys me (what you guys will probably be interested in). Anyway, running log will be posted somewhere on here along with top times and that stuff. I'm going to start training for a marathon here in a couple weeks so lets see how that shakes out.

Hopefully the ones of you who will read this will enjoy my terrible attempt at writing. I figure it can't be much worse than some of the stuff that's on the internet.

With that I submit a ZP that accurately reflects a portion of my feelings in starting this:

Thanks for the time