Sunday, December 27, 2009

Starting up.......AGAIN

Well, I decided to let this blog sink into the murky darkness of the internet to only have two of my friends (surprisingly, the totality of the prior readership) confront me and say that I should start doing this again. I tell them my voice isn't unique enough and that this is a ton of effort for me. But that falls on deaf ears. So I guess, let's try to be deep again. Failing at that, let's make fun of people.

I really don't know what I want to write about here. I never really set a good direction, I thought at first I'd talk about my running and training, then I stopped running frequently and that wealth of material dried up. I'm interested enough in technology, but when you talk that all day, it becomes difficult to go home and type about at leisure. And from the beginning I wanted this blog to be as far away from, "I hate soup today!" as possible. Besides that's what my twitter feed is for. So I feel like I should outline a goal for this blog, a unifying theme, a theses if you will to finally and for once give me a construct under which to operate when writing. I also need fewer meta-commentary type posts on this blog (I think that is the hallmark of a bad blog with no direction or reason, when you start talking more about the blog then what is going on). It's too late to legitimately discuss anything that affects our world. I guess the reason I write today is to tell you all that I will once again, write three posts, and then forget I have this thing for about six months until my friends start bothering me about it.

So Josh and Justin enjoy and anybody else who stumbled upon this somehow....sorry I'm wasting your time, hopefully something interesting will come from this.

1 comment:

victor said...

btw - your twitter has been neglected lately as well. aside from a few RTs of other people regarding sports stuff.

your december stats:
15 tweets
2 retweets w/ commentary
4 "responses" to others
2 original tweets
